Time To Bolster the NPT’s Disarmament Pillar Viewpoint by Daryl G. KimballThe following by Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director of The Arms Control Association, was published on October 29, 2021 in Arms Control Today.WASHINGTON, DC (IDN) — Twenty-six years ago, as states-parties negotiated the terms for the extension of the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the future of the treaty was not assured.Yet at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference, the world came together, committed to the “complete elimination of nuclear weapons,” and endorsed specific disarmament actions that led to the indefinite extension of this bedrock agreement to reduce the nuclear danger. [2021-10-30] Australia Censured For ‘Abandoning’ Pacific Nuclear-Free Pact By Asia Pacific Report Newsdesk SUVA (IDN) — Australia needs to be put on notice by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders over abandoning its commitments under the South Pacific’s nuclear free accord— he Treaty of Rarotonga—by signing up to the controversial security pact, AUKUS, says the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG).The deal by the Australian, the United Kingdom, and the United States governments is “highly problematic” and “heightens risks for nuclear proliferation” in the region, PANG coordinator Maureen Penjueli said. [2021-10-29] The NPT Review Conference: Finally, New York, January 2022 Viewpoint by Tariq Rauf* VIENNA (IDN) — It’s done, finally Ambassador Gustavo Zlauvinen (President-designate) has confirmed that the Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), will convene at the United Nations in New York from January 4 to 28, 2022. [2021-10-28] What If… We Could Build Trust in Northeast Asia Viewpoint by Hugh Miall This article was issued by Toda Peace Institute and is being republished with their permission.KENT | United Kingdom (IDN) — The new V&A Museum, designed by the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, opened in Dundee, Scotland in 2018. ‘What If’…’ is one of its opening exhibitions.A Scottish architectural practice brought together 25 citizens from run-down towns in Scotland. The citizens were asked what changes could make their lives better ‘if only’ things were different. [2021-10-27] North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program is a Logical Response to Repeated Threats from the US-Japanese-South Korean Alliance Viewpoint by Joseph Gerson NEW YORK (IDN) — News reports recently broadcast North Korea’s ostentatious display of its nuclear arsenal and delivery systems, along with macho circus-like performances to demonstrate the power and courage of its military. [2021-10-21] North Korea Flexes its Nuclear Muscles – and Defies the Western World By Thalif Deen NEW YORK (IDN) – North Korea, long dubbed as a “hermit kingdom” has continued to remain cut off from the rest of the world—politically, economically and geographically. [2021-10-17 |17] INDONESIAN | JAPANESE | KOREAN | TURKISH |
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