Newsletter (Beyond Nuclear Non-proliferation)ニュースレター「核不拡散を超えて」2019年11月号


How Nuclear False Warning Could Have Unleashed a Catastrophe

Viewpoint by Daryl G. Kimball
The writer is Executive Director of the Arms Control Association. The following is the text of his article published in Arms Control Today.
WASHINGTON (IDN) – Forty years ago, on November 9, the U.S. Defense Department detected an imminent nuclear attack against the United States through the early-warning system of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). U.S. bomber and missile forces went on full alert, and the emergency command post, known as the “doomsday plane,” took to the air. [2019-11-25]

Australia’s ‘Quit Nukes’ Campaign Targets Superannuation Funds

By Neena Bhandari
SYDNEY (IDN) – A new campaign is encouraging Australians to urge their superannuation funds to exclude nuclear weapons producers from their investments, consistent with the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which has been ratified by 33 states and needs additional 17 ratifications to become enforceable under international law – 90 days after the fiftieth instrument of ratification.  JAPANESE MALAY | THAI

Anxiety Looms Over the 10th NPT Review Conference Next Year

Viewpoint by Sergio Duarte
The writer is President of Pugwash. Former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.
NEW YORK (IDN) – The contentious start of the 74th Session of the First Committee of the General Assembly last October in New York was a harbinger of the difficulties to be faced in the run-up to the forthcoming 2020 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and in United Nations multilateral organs devoted to disarmament. CHINESE | JAPANESE | PORTUGUESE

New START Vital to Halt Unconstrained Nuclear Arms Race
Viewpoint by Daryl G. Kimball
The writer is Executive Director of the Arms Control Association. The following is the text of his article published in Arms Control Today.
WASHINGTON, DC (IDN | Arms Control Association) – Since 2017, the Trump administration has sought to expand the role and capability of the U.S. nuclear arsenal while withdrawing the United States from key agreements designed to reduce nuclear dangers. [2019-11-06]
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