Newsletter (Beyond Nuclear Non-proliferation)ニュースレター「核不拡散を超えて」2024年2月号


Deadlock Over Disarmament ‘Not Acceptable’: Guterres 

GENEVA | 28 February 2024 (IDN | UN Geneva) — Amid geopolitical divides, arms competition, increasingly dangerous new technologies and an elevated nuclear risk, the Secretary-General highlighted his concern that the UN Conference on Disarmament is consistently failing to deliver.The Conference, which was established with the primary goal of fostering cooperation for mutual disarmament, has faced significant challenges in recent times. 

Need to Invigorate the Nuclear Disarmament Process

By Dr. J. EnkhsaikhanThe writer is Chairman of Blue Banner NGO and Former Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the United Nations.ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia | 28 February 2024 (IDN) — Despite or perhaps because of the increase in geopolitical tensions, conflicts and the rise in the risks of nuclear weapons use, it is high time to look at the state of nuclear disarmament and consider what needs to be done to practically promote it. (P31) INDONESIAN  | JAPANESETURKISH  

Is Nuclear Outer Space a Possible Reality or an Empty Threat? 

By Thalif DeenUNITED NATIONS | 21 February 2024 (IDN) — The growing fear of a nuclear weapon in outer space was perhaps never anticipated 65 years ago when the UN General Assembly routinely created a Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) back in 1959. (P30)  ARABIC | FRENCH | JAPANESESPANISH
The 102-member committee, described as one of the largest ad hoc committees at the United Nations, was set up to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all humanity: “for peace, security and development”.  

Will New Regional Conflicts Accelerate Iran’s Plans to go Nuclear? 

By Tariq Rauf* 
VIENNA | 20 February 2024 (IDN) — Following the Trinity nuclear test detonation of 16 July 1945, nuclear scientist Leó Szilárd observed: “Almost without exception, all the creative physicists had misgivings about the use of the bomb” and further that “[President] Truman did not understand at all what was involved regarding nuclear weapons”. 

The Complexity of Nuclear Submarine Safeguards Impacts the Current Landscape 

By Leonam dos Santos Guimarâes* 
RIO DE JANEIRO | 14 February 2024 (IDN) — The topic of applying safeguards to nuclear submarine fuel, focusing on ensuring security and proliferation resistance, involves a complex interplay of international regulations, agreements, and technical considerations. (P29)  FRENCH | HINDI | ITALIAN JAPANESE  

Russia Refuses Talks Though New START Expires in Two Years 

By Libby Flatoff and Shizuka Kuramitsu 
The writers are program and research assistants at the Arms Control Association (ACA). This article first appeared in ‘Arms Control Now’ of the ACA and is being reproduced with their permission.WASHINGTON, D.C. | 7 February 2024 (IDN) — With less than two years to go before the expiration of the last remaining treaty limiting the world’s two largest arsenals, Russian leaders continue to reject U.S. offers to discuss a new nuclear arms control framework.   

The US Should Have Persuaded Newcomers to Renounce Nuclear Weapons 

By Jonathan Power 
LUND, Sweden | 6 February 2024 (IDN) —There are 29 states which have, at one time or another, set about becoming nuclear weapons powers or have explored the possibility. Most have failed or drawn back. Only the US, Russia, France, UK, China, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea have crossed the threshold.    
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Intererview with Mr Hirotsugu Terasaki, Director General of Peace and Global Issues, SGI(by UN News)