Mr. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan delivering a speech at NPT Review Conference at the UN General Assembly Hall on August 1, 2022/ Photo by Mariko Komatsu
Wreath-Laying at the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims by G7 leaders—Italy’s PM Meloni, PM Trudeau of Canada, President Macron of France, Summit host Fumio Kishida, US President Biden, and Chancellor Scholz—flanked by European Commission president von der Leyen (right) and European Council president Michel (left). Credit: Govt. of Japan.
ラメッシュ・タクールは、国連事務次長補を務め、現在は、オーストラリア国立大学クロフォード公共政策大学院名誉教授、同大学の核不拡散・軍縮センター長を務める。近著に「The Nuclear Ban Treaty :A Transformational Reframing of the Global Nuclear Order」 (ルートレッジ社、2022年)がある。
Photo: UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaks at the University of Geneva, launching his Agenda for Disarmament, on 24 May 2018. UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferre.
Wreath-Laying at the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims by G7 leaders—Italy’s PM Meloni, PM Trudeau of Canada, President Macron of France, Summit host Fumio Kishida, US President Biden, and Chancellor Scholz—flanked by European Commission president von der Leyen (right) and European Council president Michel (left). Credit: Govt. of Japan.
SGI joined with other NGOs to hold a side event at UN Headquarters during the NPT Review Conference to emphasize the urgency of the pledge of no first use of nuclear weapons. / Source: INPS Japan
Фото ООН/Э.Шнайдер Заместитель Генерального секретаря по гуманитарным вопросам и Координатор чрезвычайной помощи ООН Мартин Гриффитс дает интервью Службе новостей ООН.